Terms and Conditions

Medical Release and Waiver for Camps

This medical release and waiver is agreed to and electronically signed in the online store while completing the camp registration form and confirmed when you make your payment.

Medical Release

For those under the age of 18, all payments must be made by a parent or legal guardian AND electronically sign approving this Medical Release during the online payment process. 

I GRANT PERMISSION TO PROVIDE MEDICAL TO MY CHILD by our staff or designated person tending to your child. In the event of an emergency requiring medical attention, the parent or legal guardian signature grants permission to any physician, hospital personnel, EMT, athletic trainer, event coaches and staff designated by Bounce Academy Org to attend to your child. Registering in our volleyball camps serves as signature to this Medical Release. 

PARENT SIGN______________________________________ Date___________________

Emergency contact & cell phone number __________________________________________

List medical conditions and medicines_____________________________________________

Electronically signed and time stamped with the online registration form when registering for camp. Additional information requested also with the online registration form.


For those under the age of 18, all payments must be made by a parent or legal guardian AND electronically sign approving this Waiver during the online payment process. 

All participants and their parents/legal guardians understand there are risks associated with strenuous physical exertion, the uncontrollable nature with sports, transfer of illness including but not limited to Covid-19, other participants, other people not associated with the event, the outdoors, and the use of facilities and equipment with this event. 

All participants must follow the local, county, and state face mask mandates while participating in any Bounce Academy Org event. We will not allow anyone to participate if they refuse to follow the current local mandates, and will not be eligible for a refund or credit of their registration fees.

I will not send my child to a Bounce Academy Org event if they have any symptoms of Covid 19 or have tested positive and not completed the currently recommended quarantine time. I will notify Bounce Academy Org if my child gets Covid 19 symptoms or tests positive during or within 7 days after camp.

California Youth Sports Requirement: Due to the nature and risk of virus transmission while participating in Outdoor High-Contact and Moderate-Contact sports, we are required to provide information regarding risk to all parents/guardians of minors participating in such sports, and have each parent sign an informed consent indicating their understanding and acknowledgement of the risks indicated herein. 

In consideration of the right to participate in any Bounce Academy Org training or event, all participants and their parents/legal guardians hereby assume all risks associated with any event or training, and hereby waive, release, and discharge any and all claims for damages, personal injury of any kind which may hereafter occur to the consumer, their children, or to any other person as a result of participation in the event or training. This waiver and release shall be binding on the consumer's heirs and assigns, and shall run in favor of Bounce Academy Org its staff, all host locations, or anyone else connected with this event or training. The participants and their parents/legal guardians also grant permission for use of any photographs and/or video taken of them or their child during the event or training for display, publication in print or internet (website and social media), advertising, promotion, or other commercial use by Bounce Academy Org. 

I understand the nature and risk of concussions. 

Signs and Symptoms of a concussion (at this link):


If a player has a suspected head injury, you should continue to check for signs of concussion right after the injury and a few days after the injury. If your child or teen’s concussion signs or symptoms get worse, you should take him or her to the emergency department right away. 

Returning to activities after a suspected concussion (at this link):


When making a purchase, they agree to all the Terms and Conditions published on the Shopping Cart web site bounceacademy.org in regards to refunds.

I agree to all the terms in this Waiver. Registering in our volleyball camps serves as signature to this waiver. 

PARENT SIGN______________________________________ Date___________________

Electronically signed and time stamped with the online registration form when registering for camp.

Posted Refund, Transfer of Registration, and Cancellation Policy

You may purchase volleyball camp registration fees, clinic tuition, and merchandise from this web site by using any one of the currently offered payment options. Bounce Academy Org reserves the right to change its payment procedures at any time without prior notice to you. 

Requests Must Be In Writing

All requests must be received in writing to be considered (e-mail hello@bounceacademy.org to request). Requests must be received before the deadlines listed below.

No Show to Camp

Not showing up to camp is considered services rendered in full. Becoming sick or injured before or during camp and not being able to attend is considered services rendered in full. This includes if camp staff considers participant ill or injured and is sent home before or during camp. We will not re-sell someone's registration to an event due to a No Show, as they may attend following days.

Transfer or Refund Registration Fees

All individual volleyball camp and clinic registration tuition fees, teams/groups and satellite camps excluded, are 100% transferable to a future event within the current and immediate following summer, or name change to another person for no charge if requested in writing at least 3 days in advance before the first day of camp. Individual volleyball camp (teams/groups and satellite camps excluded) and clinic tuition fee refunds are less a $50 fee per person if requested in writing at least 30 days prior to event, or less a $100 fee per person if requested in writing at least 7 days prior to event. No volleyball camp and clinic tuition refunds will be made if requested less than 7 days in advance. No refunds on any event that is $50 or less. 

No refunds on camp days that you cannot make.

Private team/group and satellite camps are non-refundable based on payment plan.

Private lessons must be paid at least 1 week in advance. Cancellations are nom-refundable.

If Bounce Academy Org is forced to postpone or cancel any camps or clinics due to the facility cancelling a facilities agreement due to closure, limitations, or by government mandate, you will receive a camp credit for the full registration fees paid to use towards future Bounce Academy Org that is valid for 2 years and fully transferable to another name. 

Outdoor Events with Nature

Outdoor camps and clinics are subject to nature and natural events. Outdoor camps and clinics plan to continue with weather related events, rain, snow, hot or cold temperatures, wind, fog, smoke from fires, lightning, animals (wild and domestic), and other outdoor elements. We may adjust activities (including lowering intensity levels of physical exertion, seeking shelter, or other), and/or change the planned agenda schedule to create what we feel are the best options to safely continue the event. These adjustments may include temporary holds or early finish times. 

Facility Cancellations or Postponements

Event facilities may be cancelled, or dates and times may be changed or postponed to future dates, at the discretion of the Camp Director or facility manager due to nature and natural events, weather, facility snow day cancellations, safety, illness, damage to facilities, construction, permits, facilities rental agreement changes, travel delays, government limitations, and other factors. No refunds will be issued. 100% transfer of fees will be forwarded to a future camp during the current or following 2 summers.

Satellite Camps

Team Satellite Travel camp deposits are non-refundable as stated in the issued camp agreement, no matter if the agreement is signed or not. Payment of a deposit or any registration fees will be considered as agreeing to the no refund of deposit terms. Team Satellite Travel camps have a specific minimum guaranteed amount based on their camp agreement form. Additional team/group payments will be refunded based on the timelines listed above (per player registration fees paid above the non-refundable deposit). If canceling a camp, any above listed refund will be less actual money already spent on expenses to secure travel (flights, hotels, and any other advanced payments), plus an additional $500 fee for revenue lost by blocking camp dates from other potential customers.

Private Satellite and Team camps are non-refundable based on the contracted payment schedule stated on the written agreement.


Sales Tax

Bounce Academy Org charges sales tax for merchandise ordered on this Web site based on the applicable state sales tax rate and the location to which the order is being shipped. If you order taxable products that have not been charged an additional sales tax, your purchase price includes the tax within the price.

Shipping and Delivery

At this time, Bounce Academy Org ships merchandise only to locations within the United States and not to international locations. The risk of loss and title for all merchandise ordered on this Web site pass to you when the merchandise is delivered to the shipping carrier.


Although the information on this Web site is accessible worldwide, not all products or services discussed in this Web site are available to all persons or in all geographic locations or jurisdictions. Bounce Academy Org and the advertisers each reserve the right to limit the provision of their products or services to any person, geographic area, or jurisdiction they so desire and to limit the quantities of any products or services that they provide. Any offer for any product or service made in the materials on this Web site is void where prohibited.

GOVERNING LAW: In the event of litigation both parties agree that the Law of the State of business registration of Bounce Academy Org shall apply and both parties shall consent to the jurisdiction of said State's courts, or in the event of diversity of citizenship, the United States District Court for the (District). Both parties expressly waive a trial by jury.

MISCELLANEOUS: The Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and Bounce Academy Org with respect to this Web site. The Terms and Conditions supercede all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral or written between you and Bounce Academy Org with respect to this Web site. No modification of the Terms and Conditions shall be effective unless it is authorized by Bounce Academy Org. If any provision of the Terms and Conditions is found to be contrary to law, then such provision(s) shall be constructed in a manner to closely reflect, as much as possible, the intentions of the parties, with the other provisions remaining in full force and effect.


All content appearing on this Web site is the property of:

Bounce Academy Org
Milpitas CA, 95035


All brand, product, service, and process names appearing on this Web site are trademarks of their respective holders. Reference to or use of a product, service, or process does not imply recommendation, approval, affiliation, or sponsorship of that product, service, or process by Bounce Academy Org. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel, or otherwise any license or right under any patent, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property right of Bounce Academy Org or any third party, except as expressly granted herein.

Use of This Site

This site may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information, the terms of which must be observed and followed. Information on this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Information, including product pricing and availability, may be changed or updated without notice. Bounce Academy Org and its subsidiaries reserve the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, and/or cancel orders in its discretion, including, without limitation, if Bounce Academy Org believes that customer conduct violates applicable law or is harmful to the interests of Bounce Academy Org and its subsidiaries.